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All Fardados to the Group

Everyone must enroll in the new group that we are creating in the eGroups. It will be the ideal forum to the brotherhood related information, news and facts that nobody else have to know.

Special programmings, workmanships, movement of the "comitivas", regional newsletters, summonses, and all the institutional communication will start to circulate through this channel.

In case you don't have computer or access to Internet, it is enough to register an e-mail address in some of the available free services.

We look forward seeing you all online with us.


In our last newsletter we indicated an e-mail for the accomplishment of the enrollment of the fardado members affiliated to Céu do Mapiá in a specific group. However, the procedure through for that address is not making possible the recovery of the necessary information to the enrollment.

Therefore, we request the enrollment procedure to be accomplished by sending (replying) message to the following address:

With the following filled out topics:

  • Name:
  • Telephone:
  • Address:
  • City:
  • UF:
  • Country:
  • Affiliated Center or Church:
  • E-mail:

" Welcome to our restricted group, which will surely be not just a progress in our institutional communication, but a forum of internal debates to all the brotherhood. When we began this work we knew that we were assuming a great challenge. Little by little we are going to learn  better how to handle all the resources and potentialities of that true revolution that it is in course.

Our perspective is to enlarge this enterprise and our net of collaborators more and more so that we can welcome the good initiatives, the good ideas, the good contents, products and services of the interest of all. We asked that all those that she enrolled try to enlarge still more our connections with other siblings that didn't still become aware of the site. We are making that to circulate on the workmanship and some institutional warnings as a first test, while we are going giving some fittings in the system ".

Alex Polari


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